I’ve had a hankering for something Irish for a while this weekend, even though St. Patrick’s Day isn’t until next weekend. But I’ve also got a bajillion other things going on, so no time to get to grocery store. So what to do? Raid the pantry and fridge, and use what I have on hand. And look, Colcannon Soup!

Now, colcannon itself is not hard to make at all – it’s just potatoes, leeks and cabbage, after all. But I wanted soup, and had no leeks, so make-do colcannon soup was the result. Using the pre-shredded cole slaw meant it took a whole 30 minutes to make, and boy, is it hearty and warming.

If you’d like a little more protein, feel free to substitute plain yogurt for the sour cream. I probably will serve a small amount of polska kielbasa (so very Irish!) along with the soup.

If you try it, let me know how you liked it!

Super Easy Colcannon Soup

2 lbs potatoes

1 box chicken broth

1 medium onion

1 c sour cream

1 bag pre-shredded cole slaw

white pepper and salt to taste


  • Peel, rinse, and cut potatoes into roughly 1 inch sections.
  • Dice onion.
  • Add potato and onion to soup pot with all of the broth.
  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and boil gently until onions and potato are very soft.
  • Mash everything together in the pot and keep simmering.
  • Mix the sour cream in a separate bowl with about a cup of the hot soup, to avoid curdling. Then add this mixture slowly to the soup, stirring well after each addition.
  • Simmer for about 5 more minutes, then add all of the cabbage.
  • Add salt & white pepper to taste.
  • Simmer just until the cabbage is just tender (about another 5 minutes).
  • Serve and enjoy!


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